‘Expect Big Things
From Little People’
The story…
how it all happened
My daughter’s 15 minutes of fame happened when she was aged two and a half! Many differing versions of the event were publicised, some factually correct, others, well let’s just say I had a very small taste of how stories are altered to varying degrees!
Learning Zone
As our story proves, even very young children have the capability to learn about emergencies and the Emergency Services….
The Books -
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About Us
Izzy and Ollie is a new Children's Safety Education project which was inspired when 2 and a half year old Isabelle called an ambulance for her Mum when she experienced a life threatening allergic reaction. The incident made Jo consider how wonderful it would be if all young children could be educated about emergency situations. To simply learn their full name, age and address as early as possible (as her 1st book illustrates) could be highly beneficial not only to themselves, but it could also contribute to help save other people’s life. The books follow characters Izzy and Ollie who find themselves entangled in various situations. They encompass Child Safety issues together with simple courses of action that children could learn and replicate should they ever find themselves in the same situation.